Most production code is terrible.

How To Code It is a new home for Rustaceans who think it shouldn't be this way.

A headshot of Angus, founder of How To Code It

Rustacean frustration

In 2019, I joined a coding bootcamp with the dream of becoming a software engineer. It was very much a "you get out what you put into it" deal, and I put everything into it. I think my classmates are still slightly rattled by me.

Morning, noon and night, I devoured course materials, exercises and books. After graduating bootcamp, I hit senior engineer in the space of a year. I self-taught six programming languages (spoilers: I have a favorite).

I've worked for big names in finance, like JP Morgan and Qonto, and recently crossed the final frontier as part of the core team of a space mission simulator funded by the European Space Agency. 🚀

This year, I'll be speaking at RustConf in Montreal!

But here's the truth: I'm deeply unsatisfied. Want to know why?

The codebases I encounter make me sad. Almost all of us learn on the job, which means we learn the bare minimum required to close the ticket, under looming deadlines. Our teams inherit our fumbling code, and the ball of mud becomes a landslide.

Rustacean elation

Training for intermediate and advanced backend engineers is in dire straits. You're no longer entry-level, and you can read an O'Reilly book from cover to cover, but how do you apply that raw knowledge to real-life problems? How do you write truly flexible code that stands up to the chaos of the modern software org?

There are remarkable backend engineers out there sharing incredible code. By experts, for experts. On undiscoverable blogs. In Times New Roman.

So I'm fixing it. How To Code It, is a website and newsletter that shares everything I've learned from thousands of hours writing Rust and other languages. 🦀

You'll learn to solve real problems in elegant ways that make your colleagues weep with joy. You'll get practical guides to keeping your codebase – and your team – sane. You'll take your Rust to the next level.

How To Code It is evolving rapidly. Bookmark it, subscribe to the newsletter, and share it with anyone who dreams of becoming the best Rust engineer they've ever met.

I'm so excited to go on this journey with you!

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