The ultimate guide to Rust newtypes


Improve type safety, clarify business logic and improve test coverage with Rust's newtype wrappers.

Illustration of a new type of railgun-mounted mecha-crab

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What are newtype wrappers in Rust?

You've read The Book, so I'm sure you've heard of newtypes – thin wrappers around other Rust types that allow you to extend their functionality.

But if reading The Book is your only exposure to newtypes, you might think that they're only useful for getting around the Orphan Rule. Think again.

By wrapping Vec<String> in a tuple struct, The Book shows us how to implement a trait defined in a crate we don't control on a struct which is also outside our control.

struct Wrapper(Vec<String>);
impl fmt::Display for Wrapper { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "[{}]", self.0.join(", ")) } }}

This is an essential Rust skill, to be sure. But it pales in comparison to the true power of newtypes as the building blocks of type-safe, maintainable, well tested applications.

Would you like to prevent your codebase from becoming a hot mess? Is your codebase already a hot mess? Well then, let's get into it.

Why newtype-driven design will change your life

Newtypes are the raw ingredients of type-driven design in Rust, a practice which makes it almost impossible for invalid data to enter your system.

Right now, somewhere in your organization's codebase, is a function that looks like this – I guarantee it.

pub fn create_user(email: &str, password: &str) -> Result<User, CreateUserError> {1
let password_hash = hash_password(password)?; // Save user to database
// Trigger welcome emails3
// ... Ok(User)}

Does this make you uneasy? It should.

At 1 we accept two &strs: email and password. The probability that someone, at some point, will screw up the order of these arguments and pass a password as email and an email address as password is 1.

I've been that person. You've been that person. Everyone on your team is that person. It's a time bomb.

This is problematic when you consider that an email address is generally safe to log (depending on your data protection regime 🙃), whereas logging a plaintext password will bring great shame upon your family – and great fines upon your company when the predictable breach occurs.

Because of this liability, your business-critical function has to concern itself with checking that the &strs it's been given are, in fact, an email address and a password 2.

It would much rather be doing important business-logic things 3, but it's cluttered with code making sure its arguments are what they claim to be. What is this, JavaScript?

This uncomfortable cohabitation results in complex error types:

#[derive(Error, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]4
pub enum CreateUserError { #[error("invalid email address: {0}")] InvalidEmail(String), #[error("invalid password: {reason}")] InvalidPassword { reason: String, }, #[error("failed to hash password: {0}")] PasswordHashError(#[from] BcryptError), #[error("user with email address {email} already exists")] UserAlreadyExists { email: String, }, // ...}

And complex error types means you need a lot of test cases to cover all practical outcomes:

#[cfg(test)]mod tests { use super::*;
#[test] fn test_create_user_invalid_email() { let email = "invalid-email"; let password = "password"; let result = create_user(email, password); let expected = Err(CreateUserError::InvalidEmail(email.to_string())); assert_eq!(result, expected); }
#[test] fn test_create_user_invalid_password() { unimplemented!() }
#[test] fn test_create_user_password_hash_error() { unimplemented!() }
#[test] fn test_create_user_user_already_exists() { unimplemented!() }
#[test] fn test_create_user_success() { unimplemented!() }}

If this looks reasonable and easy to follow, keep in mind that I'm a freak for naming and documentation. You should be too. But we both have to come to terms with the fact that your standard teammate won't name these functions consistently.

When asked what their test function tests, this teammate might tell you, "just read the code". This individual is dangerous, and should be treated with the same fear and suspicion you reserve for C++.

Functions with this many branching return values are not reasonable.

Imagine if the validations inside create_user occurred in parallel, or that the success of the function was dependent on a subset of validations succeeding, but not all of them. Suddenly you'd find yourself testing permutations of failure cases – a scenario that should induce tremors and a cold sweat.

This is how many real production functions behave and, let me tell you, I don't want to be the one testing that code.

Newtyping is the practice of investing extra time upfront to design datatypes that are always valid. In the long run, you prevent human error, maintain fabulously readable code and make unit testing trivial.

I'll show you how.

Newtype essentials

We agree on why this matters. Excellent. Now, let's take our first step in the right direction.

#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]pub struct EmailAddress(String);
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct Password(String);5
pub fn create_user(email: EmailAddress, password: Password) -> Result<User, CreateUserError> {6
validate_email(&email)?; validate_password(&password)?; let password_hash = hash_password(&password)?; // ... Ok(User)}

We can define tuple structs 5 as wrappers around owned Strings that represent an email address and a password. Just like The Book showed us!

Now, our function requires distinctly typed arguments 6. It's impossible to pass a Password to as an argument of type EmailAddress, and vice versa.

We've eliminated one source of human error, but believe me, plenty remain. Never forget, if a software engineer can fuck it up, they will fuck it up.

In the depths of a hangover, you might be tempted to unleash this particular evil into your repo:

pub struct EmailAddress(pub String)


If you make the wrapped type pub, there's absolutely nothing to stop you from doing this after a little hair of the dog:

let email_address = EmailAddress(raw_password);let password = Password(raw_email_address);create_user(email_address, password)?;

Good work. 👏

A strong test suite will catch this mistake. Hell, a crappy test suite should catch this mistake. But you're on How To Code It – you've sworn off the crappy code. So how can you guarantee that any EmailAddress or Password that create_user gets passed is valid?

I'm glad you asked.

Constructors as the source of truth

Instead of running validations on data that may or may not be valid when it's already inside the core of your application, require your business logic to accept only data that has been parsed into an acceptable representation.

First, let's pull our email address validation code out of the business function it was cluttering. From this point onwards, I'll be giving code only for EmailAddress – I've left the implementation of Password as an exercise.

#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]pub struct EmailAddress(String);
#[derive(Error, Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]#[error("{0} is not a valid email address")]
pub struct EmailAddressError(String);7
impl EmailAddress { pub fn new(raw_email: &str) -> Result<Self, EmailAddressError> {
if email_regex().is_match(raw_email) {8
Ok(Self(raw_email.into())) } else { Err(EmailAddressError(raw_email)) } }}
#[derive(Error, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]#[error("a user with email address {0} already exists")]
pub struct UserAlreadyExistsError(EmailAddress);9
fn create_user(email: EmailAddress, password: Password) -> Result<User, UserAlreadyExistsError> { // Save user to database // Trigger welcome emails
// ...10

This is very exciting. In order to get hold of an EmailAddress, a raw string must pass the validation performed in the EmailAddress::new constructor. That means that any email address passed to create_user must be valid, so create_user no longer needs to check – it's all business logic, baby! 10

Voilá. We have drastically simplified the error handling. Both EmailAddress::new and create_user now return only one type of error each 7 9. And notice how, at 9, even our error types contain guaranteed-valid, type-safe fields!

Now, we can write sane unit tests instead of badly disguised integration tests.

#[cfg(test)]mod email_address_tests { use super::*;
#[test] fn test_new_invalid_email() { let raw_email = "invalid-email"; let result = EmailAddress::new(raw_email); let expected = Err(EmailAddressError(raw_email.to_string())); assert_eq!(result, expected); }
#[test] fn test_new_success() { unimplemented!() }}
#[cfg(test)]mod create_user_tests { use super::*;
#[test] fn test_user_already_exists() { unimplemented!() }
#[test] fn test_success() { unimplemented!() }}

Do you see how we're getting extraordinary value from a small shift in mindset? We're using Rust's remarkable type system to do a lot of heavy lifting for us. If an instance of a newtype exists, we know that it's valid.

Newtype mutability

It makes sense for some newtypes to be mutable. Just take care that every mutating method preserves the newtype's invariants:

struct NonEmptyVec<T>(Vec<T>);
impl<T> NonEmptyVec<T> { fn pop(&mut self) -> Option<T> {
if self.0.len() == 1 {11
None } else { self.0.pop() } }
fn last(&self) -> &T {

NonEmptyVec is a wrapper around a Vec<T> that must always have at least one element. I've omitted the constructor for brevity.

NonEmptyVec::pop takes &mut self, which means we need to check that we make only valid mutations. We can't pop the final element from a NonEmptyVec 11!

The flip side of taking these precautions is that other operations become simpler. Unlike Vec<T>::last, NonEmptyVec<T>::last is infallible, so we don't need to return an Option<&T> 12.

The most important newtype trait implementations

So we're agreed that newtypes are fire. 🔥 Let's turn our attention to making them as easy as possible to work with. I'll start simple, and work up to more adventurous code.

derive standard traits

You likely want your newtype to behave in a similar way to the underlying type. An EmailAddress is identical to a String for the purposes of equality, ordering, hashing, cloning and debugging. We can handle this simple case with derive:

#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]pub struct EmailAddress(String);

String also implements Default, but a "default email address" doesn't make much sense, so we don't derive it. And, since String isn't Copy, neither is EmailAddress.

But what about Display? There's no derive macro for Display, so let's do it manually for now.

impl Display for EmailAddress { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "{}", self.0) }}

Manually implement special cases

For more complex newtypes, manual implementations of common traits may be required. Here's Subsecond, an f64 wrapper that represents a fraction of a single second in the range 0.0..1.0.

#[derive(Error, Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]#[error("subsecond value must be in the range 0.0..1.0, but was {0}")]pub struct SubsecondError(f64);
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Default)]pub struct Subsecond(f64);
impl Subsecond { pub fn new(raw: f64) -> Result<Self, SubsecondError> { if !(0.0..1.0).contains(&raw) { Err(SubsecondError(raw)) } else { Ok(Self(raw)) } }}

f64 can implement neither Eq nor Ord, since f64::NAN isn't equal to anything – even itself! f64 has no "total" equality and ordering that encompasses every possible value an f64 may be. How sad. 😔

Happily, that's not true of Subsecond. There is a total equality and ordering of all f64s between 0.0 and 1.0. This calls for manual trait implementations.

#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Default)]13
pub struct Subsecond(f64);
impl Eq for Subsecond {}
impl PartialOrd for Subsecond {14
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> { Some(self.cmp(other)) }}
impl Ord for Subsecond { fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering { match self.0.partial_cmp(&other.0) { Some(ordering) => ordering,
None => unreachable!(),15
} }}

Notice that we're now deriving PartialEq but not PartialOrd 13. How come?

If an implementation of Ord exists, a correct implementation of PartialOrd::partial_cmp simply wraps the return value of Ord::cmp in an Option 14 15. This prevents us from accidentally implementing Ord and PartialOrd in ways that disagree with each other.

A derived implementation of PartialOrd wouldn't call our manual Ord implementation – it would call PartialOrd on the underlying f64. This isn't what we want, so we need to define both PartialOrd and Ord ourselves, or Clippy will yell at us.

The logic is reversed for Eq and PartialEq. If an implementation of PartialEq exists, Eq is simply a marker trait that indicates that the type has a total equality. By deriving PartialEq and manually adding an Eq implementation, we're telling the compiler, "chill out, I know what's good".

Write ergonomic newtype constructors with From and TryFrom

At some point your newtypes will – sadly – have to interact with Other People's Code. These Other People didn't have your domain-specific type in mind when they wrote their "code". They either have their own set of newtypes, or they pass around &str and f64 like lunatics.

We need to make it easy to convert from their types to our types, using classic Rust patterns that won't surprise other devs. That means From and TryFrom.

Infallible conversions

Choose From when your conversion is infallible. The standard library gives us a blanket implementation of Into for every type that implements From. For example:

struct WrappedI32(i32);
impl From<i32> for WrappedI32 { fn from(raw: i32) -> Self { Self(raw) }}
fn demonstrate() { let _ = WrappedI32::from(84);
let _: WrappedI32 = 84.into();16

We only implemented From, but we got Into for free 16.

Fallible conversions

More often than not, though, newtypes don't have infallible conversions from other types. We can't turn just any f64 into a Subsecond!

TryFrom is the trait of choice in this scenario.

impl TryFrom<f64> for Subsecond { type Error = SubsecondError;
fn try_from(raw: f64) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
fn demonstrate() { let _ = Subsecond::try_from(0.5); let _: Result<Subsecond, _> = 0.5.try_into();}

Note how TryFrom is implemented as a simple call to the Subsecond constructor 17. A newtype's constructor serves as its source of truth – never have multiple constructors for the same use case.

For instance, it's valid to have two constructors Subsecond::default() and Subsecond::new(raw: f64), since these serve two distinct purposes. Avoid having competing implementations for Subsecond::new(raw: f64) and Subsecond::try_from(raw: f64), however. This doubles the code you need to maintain and test for no benefit. Define conversion traits in terms of a canonical constructor.

From newtypes to primitives: AsRef, Deref, Borrow and more

How should you get an underlying primitive back out of a newtype? I don't know about your database client, but mine accepts &str, not EmailAddress.

This requires a little more care than you might think.

Writing user-friendly getters

As a starting point, we should implement getters with common-sense names to return the inner value.

impl EmailAddress { pub fn into_string(self) -> String { self.0 }


Recall that implementing Display gives us a free implementation of ToString. Shadowing this implementation is such bad news that Clippy considers this an error. That's why I haven't defined EmailAddress::to_string at 18.

Consider carefully how other developers will use your code. If you're writing an application maintained by one team, which won't be a dependency of some higher-level code, you can stop implementing getters here.

If you're a library author with a specific target audience in mind, think about whether there are conversion traits in third-party crates that your users will almost certainly need.

I'm a contributor to an astrodynamics library for a space mission simulator. We perform many conversions between numeric types, and it's safe to assume that our users will too. This makes implementing num::ToPrimitive from the popular num crate on our newtypes a reasonable thing to do.


Library code you interface with will expect &str, not &EmailAddress.

AsRef provides a convenient way to get a reference to a newtype's wrapped type:

impl AsRef<str> for EmailAddress { fn as_ref(&self) -> &str { &self.0 }}


Sometimes your newtype will behave so much like its underlying type that you'd like it to dereference directly to the wrapped type.

impl Deref for EmailAddress { type Target = str;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.0 }}

Stop. Pause what you're listening to. Take a toilet break. Move your cat off your keyboard. I need your full attention.

Deref is a powerful trait that you should approach like you would disarming a very small bomb. It might not kill you, but it could leave you with nasty burns.

I'll show you the right wires to cut after demonstrating why it's attractive for use with newtypes:

fn demonstrate() { let raw = "EMAIL@ADDRESS.COM"; let email = EmailAddress::new(raw).unwrap();
let lower = email.to_lowercase();20
assert_eq!(lower, "");
assert_eq!(*raw, *email);21
fn takes_a_str(_: &str) {}

Pretty impressive, no? &email isn't a &str 19, but Deref tells the compiler to treat it like one. This is an example of "deref coercion". We could also have written takes_a_str(email.deref()).

Deref coercion also gives us all the &self methods of str on EmailAddress 20. This feels similar to inheritance in object-oriented languages, and it's what makes a Box<T> or Rc<T> almost as convenient to use as an instance of T itself. The Rust Reference has the full details on how method lookup works in these cases.

Finally, it causes *email to desugar to *Deref::deref(&email) 21.

So why do we have to be cautious with Deref?

By adding every &self method of a wrapped type to a newtype, we vastly expand the newtype's public interface. This is the opposite of how we typically choose to publish methods, exposing the minimum viable set of operations and gradually extending the type as new use cases arise.

Does it make sense for your newtype to have all these methods? That's a judgement call. There's no good reason for an EmailAddress to have an is_empty method, since an EmailAddress can never be empty, but implementing Deref means that str::is_empty comes along for the ride.

This decision is critical if your newtype wraps a user-controlled type generically. In this situation, you don't know what methods will be available on the user's underlying type. What happens if your newtype defines a method that happens to have the same signature as a method on the user-provided type? The newtype's method takes precedence, so if the user is relying on your newtype's Deref implementation to call through to their underlying type, they're out of luck.

The best advice I've seen on this issue comes from Rust for Rustaceans (an essential read): prefer associated functions to inherent methods on generic wrapper types.

If a newtype has only associated functions, it has no methods that could inadvertently intercept method calls intended for the wrapped type. Behold:

/// A transparent wrapper around any type `T`.struct SmartBox<T>(T);
impl<T> Deref for SmartBox<T> {
type Target = T;22
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.0 }}
impl<T> SmartBox<T> {
fn print_best_rust_resource() {23
println!(""); }}
struct ConfusedUnitStruct;
impl ConfusedUnitStruct {
fn print_best_rust_resource(&self) {24
println!("Scrabbling around on YouTube or something?"); }}
fn demonstrate() { let smart_box = SmartBox(ConfusedUnitStruct); smart_box.print_best_rust_resource();

Calling demonstrate outputs

Scrabbling around on YouTube or something?

At 22 we implement Deref so that SmartBox<T>::deref returns &T. Our SmartBox, being clever, has an associated function informing us that is the best Rust resource 23.

But what's this? A bewildered developer wants to wrap their ConfusedUnitStruct in SmartBox! ConfusedUnitStruct has a method with some very concerning views about the path to Rust mastery 24.

Luckily, SmartBox believes that all views should be heard – even the ones that are wrong. Because SmartBox implements print_best_rust_resource as an associated function, it can't clash with any method implemented by the types it derefs to. Both functions can be called unambiguously `^25.


Borrow is deceptively simple. A type which is Borrow<T> can give you a &T.

impl Borrow<str> for EmailAddress { fn borrow(&self) -> &str { &self.0 }}

When used properly, a newtype that implements Borrow says, "I am identical to my underlying type for all practical purposes". It is expected that the outputs of Eq, Ord and Hash are the same for both the owned newtype and the borrowed, wrapped type – but this isn't statically enforced. 🫠

For example, if we manually implement PartialEq for EmailAddress to be case insensitive (as indeed email addresses are), EmailAddress cannot implement Borrow<str> without unleashing this unspeakable darkness:

impl PartialEq for EmailAddress { fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
impl Hash for EmailAddress { fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
impl Borrow<str> for EmailAddress { fn borrow(&self) -> &str {
fn no_no_no_no_no() {
let mut login_attempts: HashMap<EmailAddress, i32> = HashMap::new();29
let raw_uppercase = "EMAIL@TEST.COM"; let raw_lowercase = "";
let email = EmailAddress::new(raw_uppercase).unwrap();30
login_attempts.insert(email, 2);31
let got_attempts = login_attempts.get(raw_lowercase);32
assert_eq!(got_attempts, Some(&2));}
assertion `left == right` failed left: None right: Some(2)

At 26 we make EmailAddress equality case insensitive, remembering that two equal objects must also have equal hashes 27. The Borrow implementation at 28 heralds the end of days.

We instantiate a HashMap with EmailAddress keys 29. HashMap owns its keys, but allows you to look up entries using any hashable type for which the owned key type implements Borrow. Since EmailAddress implements Borrow<str>, we should be able to query login_attempts using &str.

We create an EmailAddress from the raw, uppercase &str 30, and insert it into login_attempts with a value of 2.

When we attempt to get the value back out using raw_lowercase as the key 32... armageddon. There is no corresponding entry in the HashMap. 😱

This happens because we've violated HashMap's assumption about how Borrow should be implemented. A type which is Borrow<T> must hash and compare identically to T. Since EmailAddress hashes and defines equality differently to &str, we cannot use &str to look up EmailAddresses in a HashMap.

Since these invariants are assumed but not enforced, I consider Borrow implementations "unofficially unsafe". Scrutinize any Borrow implementation you see in code review.

In its current form, EmailAddress should not implement Borrow. We can fix it though. If we perform the lowercasing in the EmailAddress constructor, there's no need to implement PartialEq and Hash manually.

impl EmailAddress { pub fn new(raw_email: &str) -> Result<Self, EmailAddressError> { if email_regex().is_match(raw_email) { let lower = raw_email.to_ascii_lowercase(); Ok(Self(lower)) } else { Err(EmailAddressError(raw_email.to_string())) } }}

In this arrangement, EmailAddress is equivalent to &str for the sake of hashing, equality and ordering, so it's safe to implement Borrow. Yet another reason to make your constructors the source of truth for what it means to be a valid instance of a type.

You have been warned.

Bypassing newtype validations

We've come so far. We've learned how to build a type-driven utopia, populated by happy, valid instances of newtypes. Testing is easy now, and human error is a passing memory.

But wait – what's that on the horizon? Hark, tis the dark, acrid smoke of a developer who thinks they know better, seeking to bypass our constructors!

You might be expecting me to cast this evil into the abyss, but bypassing strict constructors can be a reasonable thing to do. We often know that a raw value is valid and don't want to incur the cost of revalidating it just to wrap it in a newtype. Every email address that went into the database was valid, so why would we check them again when pulling them out?

Building backdoors in your newtypes requires care, but there are two ways to limit the fallout: marker types and unsafe.

Marker types are a powerful feature of Rust's type system which we can use to constrain what can be done with a value depending on its source. Consider this approach a role-based permissions system within the type system itself!

As it sounds, using marker types to represent provenance is more advanced than anything we've discussed so far. In fact, it can introduce more complexity than it solves. For this reason, I'll be saving marker types for a separate article. I know, I'm a tease, but they need at least 3,000 words of their own.

There's plenty to keep us occupied with unsafe, however.

unsafe is a signal to other developers that some invariant exists that is not enforced by the compiler, and extra care must be taken to make sure that it holds. It's also a signal to yourself, when a week has passed and you have no memory of what you were doing. A better keyword would perhaps be check_this_carefully_youre_on_your_own.

The Rust standard library provides several examples of unsafe constructors that bypass costly validations. Convention is to suffix such functions with _unchecked. For example, on std::string::String we have

pub unsafe fn from_utf8_unchecked(bytes: Vec<u8>) -> String

which doesn't check that the content of bytes is valid UTF-8.

Following this convention for EmailAddress gives us this:

impl EmailAddress { pub fn new(raw_email: &str) -> Result<Self, EmailAddressError> { if email_regex().is_match(raw_email) { let lower = raw_email.to_ascii_lowercase(); Ok(Self(lower)) } else { Err(EmailAddressError(raw_email.to_string())) } }
pub unsafe fn new_unchecked(raw_email: &str) -> Self { Self(raw_email.to_string()) }
// ...}

For raw email addresses entering your system from web requests, EmailAddress:new should be used to ensure validity before they're saved to the database. For email addresses coming out of the database, EmailAddress::new_unchecked is acceptable, because the validation and case normalization has already been done.

If you ever see unsafe used in code you're reviewing, make yourself a fresh coffee. You need to pay attention.

How to eliminate newtype boilerplate

We're almost at the end of our journey. We're walking taller, writing better code and better tests than before. We stride like giants over Rust developers still writing validations into their business logic. You know which traits to implement, and when to implement them. You understand the power and responsibility of dipping into unsafe code. But...

...doesn't this all seem like a lot of effort?

Indeed, writing robust newtypes comes with a lot of boilerplate. I have two libraries to share with you that can slash that boilerplate down to size, but let's make an agreement first: before you start using them, practice writing your own newtypes by hand.

Before introducing magic from external crates, you should understand what you're automating and why. Check out the exercises at the end of this article for a head start!

Using derive_more to... derive more

derive_more is a crate designed to ease the burden of implementing traits on newtypes. It lets you derive implementations for From, IntoIterator, AsRef, Deref, arithmetic operators, and more.

#[derive(Clone, Debug, Display, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, AsRef, Deref)]struct EmailAddress(String);

If you want to simplify the process of writing newtypes while minimizing the magic in your codebase, this is where I'd start.

Going all-in with nutype

nutype is a formidable procedural macro that generates sanitization and validation code for your newtypes, including dedicated error types.

#[nutype( sanitize(trim, lowercase), validate(regex = EMAIL_REGEX), derive( Clone, Debug, Display, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, AsRef, Deref, Borrow, TryFrom ), new_unchecked,)]pub struct EmailAddress(String);
pub fn demonstrate() { let result = EmailAddress::new("not an email address"); if let Err(e) = result { match e { EmailAddressError::RegexViolated => println!("{}", e), } }}

As you can see, practically everything we've been doing manually up to this point can be generated by nutype. It's a huge time saver.

Beware the corners that you choose to cut, though. nutype's generated error messages are quite vague, and there's no way to override them or include additional detail:

EmailAddress violated the regular expression.

This hampers debugging and puts the onus on the caller to wrap the newtype's associated error with additional context. It's good practice to do so regardless, but this omission feels out of place in Rust – just think about how good Rust's compiler error messages are.

Go now. I have nothing more to teach you.

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